Smart-Valve operation
Wireless Smart-Valve control from a computer (Part 1):
Wireless Smart-Valve control using SMS (Part 2):
Manual override of a STREGA Smart-Valve at site (District Cooling project in Middle East):
Smart-Valve Studio: a utility to manage and control all your Smart-Valves (District Cooling project in Middle East) :
Smart-Valve Production
Production of the Smart-Valve (assembly line Part 1):
Production of the Smart-Valve (assembly line Part 2):
Smart-Emitter operation
Wireless Smart-Emitter implementation on a Golf course (small advertising presentation made by an installer): – Password : watertechnics
Smart-Emitter driven by “IOT-in-a-BOX”:
Demokit made by Regio-IT
Short video showing the STREGA valve on a mockup with a ZENNER watermeter.
Demokit by myDevices
Mini mockup design using STREGA SV DN15 and IoT-in-a-BOX mobile App:
Time-Controlled valve for Network purges
This video shows the use of the STREGA valve for preriodical network flushing and automatic purges
Smart-Valve Mini-Demokit running on a 12VDC battery
DN15 Smart-valve with a tiny water pump running on a 12VDC battery (for demo purposes)
Smart-Emitter demokit with Irrigation Valve
Video on a compact demokit designed with an irrigation valve with Open operation via the Strega mobile app.
How to set “schedulers” using the STREGA mobile app
this video shows how to operate the valve from the mobile app and to set a scheduler.
Time-controlled Emitter for Irrigation valve – demokit 2019
STREGA mobile App for STREGA devcies (overview)
Demokit 1/2” with segregated edition of the SV
The demokit below has been designed by CreevX, UK.

video link here:
SEMTECH AquaWAN demokit
This demokit has been presented by SEMTECH during the annual meeting of the LoRa Alliance in Berlin in June 2019
A full description of the AquaWAN concept can be found from here:
Open/Close via magnet
This short video shows the local Close then Open operation of a STREGA valve installed in a false ceiling. The valve operates the shut-off of water on a 2″ pipe (DN50). The LoRaWAN electronic box is segregated from the valve with a 3ft cable (1m).
Actuation of a DN150 valve
This video shows the local and remote control of a Bernard Controls actuator on a DN150 valve using a STREGA Smart Emitter equiped with its EXT-ACPW add-on board: the demo is performed in Class C:
Pulse Couting with the STREGA device
The STREGA demokit is connected to a ZENNER water meter provinfding pulses:
Leak control with a STREGA valve
The demokit is wired to a leak detection sensor trigering closing on detection:
Pump control
Short video showing a STREGA Smart-Switch connected to a pump. A local manual switch permits ON/OFF of the pump at site.